Saturday, November 24, 2007

Made for Birthing Gowns

Made for

Birthing Gowns

by Janel - Patent Pending

-Express your own personality with many fabrics to choose from.

-Control access for medical interventions

-Experience freedom of movement throughout labor

-Walk and labor without exposing yourself

-Feel empowered and respected

The impact to a woman to relinquish her clothes upon her autonomy is well-known by those who support natural birth. Anthropologist Robbie Davis Floyd says:

So these benefits are pretty self-evident, and known to be factors that will support a woman -- a woman who is emotionally, psychologically, and physiologically prepared for a "homebirth in the hospital", but also consider this:

-Support your baby’s immune system
The risk of germs is one of the biggest risks in hospital birth. Hospitals and medical caregivers supposedly provide a "sterile field" but you and your baby are still exposed to a multitude of germs that your body has not built immunity to. Roll your gown around on your bed, couch, and hold the dog and cat before you bring it to the hospital. You'll be bringing YOUR "sterile field" from home for your baby to be born into and to be touched by first and covered by. Not harsh, potentially risky hospital towels and sheets.

-Facilitate the first breastfeeding and baby's connected-attachment breast-crawl
Your Made for Birthing gown allows you to be exposed where you need to be in that moment, for that or any procedure. You can give birth with the bottom of your gown open and top closed until you need to be skin-to-skin and to breastfed ... without a hospital gown up around your neck.

The gown improvements allow freedom of movement and privacy while a patient is her own room where medical staff (who are strangers) and family may walk in at any time.

Most medical procedures are on front of body.
The gown is open in front and back with secure closing and finished seams. With gown open in front medical staff can do these procedures without unnecessary exposure of lower body (genitals). With secure closures in the front and the back, a woman can labor without fear of over-exposure.

A woman birthing in the hospital can feel comfortable and still make her body available for necessary protocols and interventions ... respectfully and without over-exposure.

When a woman is constantly monitored, or monitored on a schedule, nursing staff must either lift her gown UP or DOWN, either way, the laboring woman is exposed. With Made for Birth gowns, it is possible for a woman to remain cover without over-exposure, and importantly, for the woman to maintain control over who and when she is exposed. Here, my first testing of the gown, the nurse could not get the notion that just undoing the middle velcro fasteners would allow her to put away the bulky blanket. At least she was trying to provide coverage for the mother.

Most women in the hospital give birth in bed and lying on their backs ... even when they were allowed to walk and move during labor. During labor they often double-gown which is awkward and cumbersome when birth happens and afterwards.

Up goes the gown to expose her entire body through birth and post-partum. In order to have baby skin-to-skin with mother, the gown is up around her neck or off.

Specialty gowns also available for children and men.
Important for those who must be hospitalized frequently. Isn't it ironic that nearly every procedure necessary from birth, to pediatrics to adults needs to be done through the front? They chose a fabric to fit their personality. Cartoon, animal, sports teams, faith, or interests. I recently made a rose-flowered flannel gown for a man's mother who is frequently hospitalized for her heart disease. Imagine a man or woman in cardiology or a child receiving cancer treatments who is wearing their own gown and that opens in the front.

Email me with your questions and custom order ... tell me you needs for size and fabric. I recommend at least two gowns as often one or more changes of gowns are necessary.

Contact me for pricing and other information.

babykeeper at gmail dot com.


Deidre C. said...

FANTASTIC!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!! I see too many women loose their confidence after they don the hospital attire!!! Something like this is AWESOME and can bring independence to a hospital birth!!!!

Susana said...

I think this is a great thing for women to have the option to wear to protect their modesty and privacy. I am linking to you! Are these now available for purchase?

Zlata02747393 said...

Wow, you are amazing! Congrats!
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